We were founded by three former students from the University of Surrey who graduated in 2017. After leaving university we wanted to give something back to the Christian Union at Surrey University as we had received and grown in our faith during our time with the Christian Union. But we found it difficult to give something back to the Christian Union so we set up the Surrey University Christian Alumni Trust – SUCAT – to make it easier for others like us who want to give something back to do the same.

I’m passionate that all students should be encouraged and enabled to learn and explore new things during their studies – especially that they may discover and respond to the hope of the Christian Gospel.

I valued the opportunity I had to encounter and consider different experiences and ideas at university which helped me understand the world we live in.

I found university a broader experience than my degree subject, and would wish that others have the same access to discover sports, art, friendships and cultures that I did.
What we do
At our core we simply receive donations and pass these onto the Christian Union at the University of Surrey. Over the course of the year we make regular donations to the Christian Union from the money we’ve received enabling them to continue their work. We use Stewardship as our giving platform and this enables quick access so anyone can set up regular or one off giving to us so we can support the work of the Christian Union at Surrey University.